Saturday, January 31, 2009

thing 3.2

Still trying....this afternoon I tried several searches using differant search engines. First was Technorati and I searched for "CNN Rboin Mead". I got all kind of weird stuff, that kinda scared me, but nothing to do with the Robin Mead from CNN. Next I tried Google blog search and found the sites I was looking for instantly. Still haven't found "BLOA search engines". Do not know what is up with that. So now I really, really am done with thing 3.

thing 3

Thing maybe I have been just a little slow, but I spent parts of yesterday and this am trying to understand the things written under Technorati ... I just wasn't sure what all this was for... how would this be useful to me...who or what would I look for and why would I even care? this am between John and Rosanna I found John's "Tip of the Week" listed as a blog for the library system...and it was like a light bulb moment for me...(a small light bulb...but still) there was information useful to me "out there" in cyber space that I actually wanted easier access to....
So now I have a clue and have thought of other things that I want to be updated on...possibly some of my favorite authors like Rosanna does or maybe CNN or...?
So now John has 1 person following his blog and I have someone feeding me new and helpful information. I am headed straight for information, if you happen to find me staring blankly into space with drool on my shirt...please just turn the monitor off or something.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

still thing 2, week 2

Thing completed...there was an awful lot to wade through (thigh high at least) and some of it made sense to me and some things will make sense later on I am sure...anyway here are some of my thoughts...I liked "A Temparary Place in Time" by Dr. Wendy Schultz. It is going to be an interesting ride to see what libraries and the internet etc. are going to look like in 5 to 10 years. I liked her idea of "Library 4.0" and the whole spa idea. Where do I sign up?
I believe the internet should be accesible to everyone...meaning that computers and getting on the internet should be simple and easy to use. This is not always the case, especially for adult users that may not have kids at home to help them ease into the new technologies.

Here is a sugestion: Have our home page load as the first thing patrons see when they sign onto the computers instead of the desk top. Let people know that we have a GREAT site.

Also, I just found out that the library has a link for patrons comments, complaints and or compliments (I just never realized it was there...silly me) ...I realize that I am just "a little fish" but it would be nice to hear once in a while, what the public thinks of us...especially if we did something nice or someone has shared a good experience here. Just a reminder occasionally of how much we are appreciated.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

thing 1 day 2

yesterday with help from an office mate I set up my blog account and registered with NEFLIN (It seemed confusing and I felt that I needed the help) I still did not understand the what and why of this blogging I started at the begining of thing 1 (which is what I should have done in the first place...lesson learned)...Lee LeFever's video at the begining of thing 1 was I understand better what a blog is and why they are so popular... so now I am ready for thing 2...bring it on...
on another note...for me at least I have printed out the instructions for thing 1 and read through them and then followed on the made things make sense as I could read and see what I was reading about...can you say hands on visual learner...
I think this is going to be an interesting journey and I am looking forward to learning new biggest concern is going to be a time on the computer for doing the work

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ok I have what